Summer Chickpea Salad with Honey Garlic Lime Vinaigrette

I feel ridiculous. This is so easy. But it tastes SO FAB. I’m embarrassed to tell you about it but apparently not too embarrassed to tell you since it’s here. It’s so a make-Monday-better type of thing. An I-drank-way-too-many-summer-beers-because-they-taste-so-good-with-citrus type of thing
I feel ridiculous. This is so easy. But it tastes SO FAB. I’m embarrassed to tell you about it but apparently not too embarrassed to tell you since it’s here. It’s so a make-Monday-better type of thing. An I-drank-way-too-many-summer-beers-because-they-taste-so-good-with-citrus type of thing

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